Podcast/Radio Research

Just note down all of the podcasts/radio stations you have listened to, with a brief summary and who the target audience is. 


The Always Sunny Podcast - This was a one hour podcast featuring the three main characters of the Always Sunny in Philadelphia TV show. In it they discuss the ideas behind each show and often go off topic discussing their personal lives. I think the audience is definitely fans of the show, but more specifically men aged around 18-40. I really like how relaxed the whole thing is, it is almost as if I was sitting in the room with them while they were chatting. 


RadioX - I listened to this in class today. unfortunately because the show is broadcast live, it was difficult to hear the DJ talking. I did hear a lot of adverts and the music was Indie/Rock. I think the audience for this was primarily men aged 16-40. I didn't like the amount of adverts on the show. 
