Location Scout and Risk Assessment

In this post I will perform a risk assessment of the locations for my photoshoot, shooting. 

Location #1 

Classroom (Room 203, Regents School)

Link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/TJyaDhcRrCJsF1di7


Location Assessment

Purpose of the shoot:

 An interview with a teacher to promote the school's curriculum. 

Media Language:

 Clean, presentable classroom and teachers. Students in the background quietly working (wearing uniform). Panning shots to show the facilities, static medium close up for the interview. Natural lighting. 

Pros of Location: 

 Easy access, we can control a lot of the shoot (MeS). Realistic, real students. 

Cons of Location

 Poor audio and natural lighting. Limited space. Difficult to control external sound. Parts of the room are not well maintained. 

Alternative location: 

School lobby: the lighting is better, but access is not as easy.

Gym: More space, acoustics are not as good.


Potential Hazards

- Poor equipment (Projector screws are loose)
- Bags on the floor, trip hazard
- Earthquake
- Smashed windows from PE class outside

Evaluate Risks

 - The projector wobbles a lot when the door is opened and closed, it could fall and injure a student. 
- In regular class there have been instances of students tripping on bags. 
- Earthquakes are common in Bali, things like clocks may fall off the wall and strike students. 
- A football hitting the window could smash it and cause glass to enter the room. 

Control Measures and Timeframe implementation

-  Fix the projector, tighten screws, call handyman (15th Jan)
- Warn students before hand about the bags, appoint a bag checker to regularly monitor the situation (Day of shoot)
- Retrain students on the earthquake drill (Earthquake Guidelines) (20th Jan)


Location #2

Location #3

Self Reflection: Performing this risk assessment gave me a better awareness of the potential hazards surrounding my location. The preventative measures I have taken will save a lot of time, because if any of these accidents occur I will have to delay my shoot. Furthermore, after assessing my classroom location, I decided that the lobby would be a better option. This analysis of the location helped me make the decision. 
